
underprivileged怎么读: 音标['ʌndә'privilidʒd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ underprivileged是什么意思

a. 贫困的, 下层社会的, 被剥夺了正当权利的, 权益较他人为少的
[法] 被剥夺基本社会权利的, 穷的

a. lacking the rights and advantages of other members of society


1. They help the homeless and the underprivileged.


2. It's been our dream to have a school for underprivileged kids.


3. Part of the lottery of being an underprivileged kid.


4. While you were subverting the underprivileged children at your summer camp.

当你在你的夏令营里 摧残贫困儿童时

5. He related and identified with them the downtrodden and the underprivileged and denied.

人们认同他代表着那些 被压迫的 社会地位低下的和被否认的人

6. We don't take kindly to folks who impose their authority on the underprivileged.

我们不欢迎 那些滥用职权 伤及弱者的人

7. Before he worked for the city, he ran a nonprofit for underprivileged kids.

在他为政府服务之前 经营了一个为贫困儿童服务的非营利机构

8. I volunteered to teach some underprivileged kids how to do some woodworking today.

我志愿参加了贫困儿童教学 今天要去教他们做木工

9. I also donate to a church that works with underprivileged kids.


10. Along with a $70 million scholarship for underprivileged students.

并将投入7000万美元的奖学金 以资助贫困学生
