
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ chan是什么意思

n. 通道(槽, 沟)


1. Channing, this is the octopus we've been looking for.

钱宁 这就是我们要找的章鱼

2. Channing, you can't say anything to anyone.

钱宁 你不能向任何人说半个字

3. Channing will give it to us. I don't know.

钱宁会告诉我们的 我不知道

4. Channing will monitor your whereabouts, your progress.


5. Chan sounds like a paper gangster to me.


6. Channing, trouble, trouble approaching, coming towards you.

钱宁 有麻烦靠近 朝你那边过去了

7. Wei chan admitted that her hu*and had been beating her for months.

陈薇承认了 她丈夫几个月来对她家暴

8. Channing, as soon as we can, we need to examine that octopus.

钱宁 我们得尽快 对那个章鱼进行全面检查

9. Channing's gone, and there's no telling what they're doing to her, so we need to be ready in case those guys come after us.

钱宁被抓走了 不知道他们会把她怎么样 所以我们需要准备好 以防他们来追杀我们

10. Miss channing, understand before you take this on, if you're caught, there'll be no one coming to rescue you.

钱宁小姐 接任务前一定要明白 如果你被抓 没有人会去救你
