
preexistent怎么读: 音标[-tənt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ preexistent是什么意思

a. 先在的, 先存的

s. existing previously or before something


1. Yeah. I didn't do it. It was preexisting.

是啊 不是我弄的 之前就存在

2. There's the preexisting and having no end.

先于一切存在 永无尽头

3. That was a preexisting asset that I didn't have access to before.


4. I see there you have a preexisting medical condition.


5. But the ideology would have to fit with a preexisting grievance.

但是这种意识形态 需要已经存在一定的怨念

6. Well, some would say that's a preexisting condition.

好吧 但有些人会说那是之前就存在的症状

7. Look, he is not young and he has preexisting medical issues.

他不年轻了 而且一直有病根

8. We've got a preexisting juvenile foundational relationship.

我们是青少年 正在相恋

9. He had a preexisting concussion from playing rugby that week.

那周 他之前就因为打橄榄球得了脑震荡

10. Or he dies under anesthesia from a preexisting medical condition.

