
equation怎么读: 音标[i'kweiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ equation是什么意思

n. 相等, 等式, 平衡
[化] 方程式; 等式; 反应式; 公式

n. a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal
n. the act of regarding as equal


1. the perfect equation that held our planet together was unraveling, and he knew mother nature would do as she always does she would evolve, she would change the equation, she would change us.

支撑着我们星球的理想方程式 遭到了破坏 他知道大自然母亲会一如以往... 会开始进化 会改变这个方程式 会改变人类

2. Here we see some beautiful mathematical circles forming, and whose spreading over the water is perfectly described by a mathematical equation called the wave equation.

这里我们看到美丽的数学的圆正在形成 一种叫做波动方程的数学方程 完美地描述了它们在水面上的扩散过程

3. If we one day succeed in finding this holy grail, these equations of everything, that's when the real work begins to try and solve these equations and predict stuff and that'll keep physicists out of harm's way for a long time, I think.

当有一天我们成功 找到这个圣杯 找到这个万物方程 我们就要开始真正努力工作 解出方程 并作出预测 那就可以让物理学家们 在很长一段时间里待在安全地带

4. Take me out of the equation and put yourself in it.


5. Well, nor mine, but it's in the equation.

也不是我的 但这是*方程的一部分

6. Be careful, or I'll apply the same equation to you.

你给我小心点 不然我会在身上如法炮制

7. But inside these equations, there's a monster.

然而在这公式中 有一个问题

8. Too unpredictable to be used in equations.


9. I didn't do that because I couldn't extricate myself and my needs from the equation.

我没做到这一点 因为我没法做到 将我自己和我的需求从中抽离出来

10. She's the only variable in the social equation.

