
catcall怎么读: 音标['kætkɒ:l]
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◎ catcall是什么意思

n. 不满之声, 嘘声
v. 发嘘声

n. a cry expressing disapproval
v. utter catcalls at


1. A few years ago, some boys were catcalling me.

几年前 有些男生总是起哄我

2. When we exited, some soandso drove by and catcalled us.

我们出来的时候 某个讨厌鬼开车经过朝我们大吼

3. And with every catcall, every putdown, every slap and passover at work, the anger compounds.

每個噓聲 每次壓迫 每次在工作上被人忽視 憤怒都會積蓄
