
monocle怎么读: 音标['mɒnәkl]
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◎ monocle是什么意思

n. 单片眼镜
[医] 单眼镜, 单眼绷带

n. lens for correcting defective vision in one eye; held in place by facial muscles


1. He wasn't a gentleman, but he did wear a monocle while we did it.

他并不是一位绅士 不过我们*时 他的确戴了个单片眼镜

2. But you could be the first one with a monocle.

不过你可以当第一个 戴独眼罩的

3. Then there's the issue of the missing monocle.


4. The guy who just walked out is wearing a monocle.


5. But not before the dame tried to spirit away my monocle.


6. I will carve myself a pipe to match my monocle.

我会给自己雕一根烟斗 配我的单片眼镜

7. Dad's monocle is still missing, so I can't just forget about that.

爸爸的单片眼睛还没找到 我不能就此了事

8. Oh, he's got a top hat, monocle, and a little cane.

他戴着顶高帽 单片眼镜 拄着小拐杖

9. Mm, I'm thinking about adopting some quirky affectation, like a pipe or a monocle or a handlebar mustache.

我在考虑给自己搞个另类造型 比如弄个烟斗 单片眼镜 或是翘八字胡
