
dynasty怎么读: 音标['dainæsti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dynasty是什么意思

n. 朝代, 王朝

n. a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family


1. There are sporting dynasties, acting dynasties, there are even science dynasties.

还有体育王朝 演艺王朝 甚至还有科学王朝

2. They are the future of his dynasty, too.


3. Demand elections and an end to dynasties.

要求重新选举 终结帝王统治

4. So you're part of a family dynasty like me.

所以你跟我一样 家族显赫

5. His rule and the future of his dynasty is secure.


6. Of course, I know all about great dynasties.

当然 我很了解各个伟大的朝代

7. A dynasty can't survive on arrogance alone.


8. What he's actually doing is signing his own death warrant and that of his dynasty.

而实际上 他正在签署自己及其王朝的 死刑执行书

9. I didn't realise you were going to shack up and start a dynasty.

我没想到你们居然会同居 还要生孩子

10. good grounds to destroy the imperial dynasty.

The murder of Ioann Antonovich will be
