
attack怎么读: 音标[ә'tæk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ attack是什么意思

n. 攻击, 抨击
vt. 攻击, 抨击, 动手干
vi. 攻击

n. (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons)
n. an offensive move in a sport or game
n. the act of attacking
n. a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase


1. I'm not attacking you. I'm not attacking you.

我不是想非礼你 不是的

2. The attack on this firm was an attack on me.

此次对律所的攻击 其实是冲我个人来的

3. We've been shot at up here, attacked, attacked again.

我们在这里中枪 袭击 再次袭击

4. She has no recollection of the attack or who attacked her.


5. An attack against you is an attack against all of us.

袭击你 就是袭击我们大家

6. An attack on me is an attack on all of us.


7. And I'm foreign, so an attack on him is an attack on me.

我也是外国人 所以打他相当于打我

8. An attack on one is an attack on all.

對付我們一個人 就是對付我們全家人

9. Mike, this is an attack on our firm, and an attack against one of us is an attack against all of us.

迈克 这是针对我们律所的攻击 攻击一个人 就是攻击我们所有人

10. They're attacking you 'cause you attacked her, but if you have mental health problems, means they can't attack you anymore.

他们攻击你 是因为你家暴了她 但若你深受精神疾病的困扰 他们就不能再攻击你了
