
boarding怎么读: 音标['bɒ:diŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ boarding是什么意思

n. 木板
[机] 起纹

n. the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft
n. a structure of boards


1. Those boards are not the same boards that are on that floor now.


2. Not my board, man. I'm begging you, please, not my board.

别用我的滑板 求你了兄弟 别用我的

3. You don't get on the board by springing problems on the board.


4. From the school board oh, from the school board, yeah.

学校董事会那个 噢 学校董事会那个 我认识

5. 350 persons on board. 160 persons on board.

船上有350人 船上有160人

6. Todo board, my strategy board, I call it, my map.

任务板 我的战略板 我管它叫地图

7. I have a board meeting, and this board ain't exactly gonna meet itself.

开董事会了 少了我可开不成

8. Well, then, you can't be on the board, because the board will need to hold you to account.

那你就不能继续留在委员会 因为委员会需要了解你的进展

9. Just emailed you the board consent which appoints your new board member.

我刚把董事会决议发给你 包括对新董事会成员的任命

10. I think we both know I don't have a board meeting today because, uh, oh, that's right, I don't have a board.

我觉得我们都知道今天没有董事会会议 因为 对了 我并没有董事会
