
ligature怎么读: 音标['ligәtʃuә]
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◎ ligature是什么意思

n. 绳, 索, 缚带
vt. 缚, 捆, 结扎

n. (music) a group of notes connected by a slur
n. character consisting of two or more letters combined into one
n. a metal band used to attach a reed to the mouthpiece of a clarinet or saxophone


1. No ligature marks or contusions at the neck.

脖子上没有带子的痕迹 也没有伤口

2. Laurel was the only one with ligature marks.


3. Petechia in her eyes, but no ligature around the neck.

眼球上有瘀点 但脖子上没有勒痕

4. Ligature marks on her wrists, ankles, and knees.

她的手腕 脚踝和膝盖有勒痕

5. Ligature marks, just like the other victims.

*痕迹 跟其他受害者一样

6. Petechiae and massive bruising, but no ligature marks.

尸体上有出血点和大量的淤伤 但没有勒痕

7. The only common injury with both victims are the ligature marks.


8. She had ligature marks on her wrists, but no evidence of intercourse.

她手腕上有绑扎的痕迹 但没有性行为的证据

9. This ligature mark with the abrasion is the final one.


10. There were longterm ligature marks on her wrists and ankles.

