
liability怎么读: 音标[laiә'biliti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ liability是什么意思

n. 责任, 债务, 倾向
[经] 责任, 义务, 负债

n. the state of being legally obliged and responsible
n. the quality of being something that holds you back


1. She's a liability to me, to you and to herself.

对你对我对她自己来说 她都是个累赘

2. Accounts show this year, your liabilities are at 29 million, yet next year your liabilities are predicted to be paid off.

财务显示你们今年的债务高达2900万 但你预计明年能还清债务

3. Could be she was becoming a liability.


4. I'd be a liability to your administration.

如今 我于您的政府来说是个累赘

5. She is a distraction and a liability.

她会让人分心 还是个累赘

6. I told you I couldn't have any liabilities.


7. But he was a liability to one of you.


8. No, but there is a ton of liability.

不 但这牵扯到许多责任

9. I was a liability to you. I was your weakness.

我是你的累赘 你的弱点

10. And when it strikes, you're the liability.

整点钟响的那一刻 你就是累赘
