
bean怎么读: 音标[bi:n]
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◎ bean是什么意思

n. 豆子
[化] 油嘴; 豆

n. any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food
n. any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans
n. any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods
v. hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball


1. You're going... you're going meat, rice, green beans, meat, rice, green beans, meat, rice, green beans.

你在...你在吃肉 米饭 青豆 肉 米饭 青豆 肉 米饭 青豆

2. It's a breakfast, but they want beans, not beans and tomatoes.

这份早餐里只要豆子 不要番茄

3. You can't eat chili. It's got beans in it, and you're a bean.

你不能吃辣酱 里面有豆子 你就是豆子

4. Well, label or not, if you open a can and there's beans in it, it's a can of beans.

什么叫贴标签啊 你找了个女的谈对象 那你不就是女同吗

5. Maybe you're not magic beans, but at this point we could use some regular beans, too.

也许这些不是魔法豆 但是现在我们也需要一些普通豆子

6. Soy beans? I can't believe I was gonna live with someone who thought soy beans were a growth market.

黄豆 真不敢相信我本来会跟一个 认为黄豆是成长型市场的人同住

7. I said maybe there was a bean, even though you and I know full well there was never a bean, and I did it exactly as you said.

我說了也許有魔豆 雖然你我都很清楚那里根本沒有 我都是按你的要求做的啊

8. Line the tin with baking parchment and fill with baking beans, firmly pushing the beans to the edge to prevent the paper from lifting up.

在烤盘里放入烤盘纸 加入烘焙豆 把豆子压紧 防止烤盘纸翘起来

9. Here are a few items no dieter should ever have in the house: peas, lima beans, avocadoes, olives, dried beans, corn, butter, most cheese.

以下是几样绝不能出现在节食者家中的东西 豌豆 青豆 鳄梨 橄榄 干豆 玉米 黄油 绝大部分奶酪

10. III hate camping andand digging and eating beans for dinner and then sleeping with other people who ate beans in an airtight box.

我讨厌露营 讨厌挖坑 讨厌晚餐吃豆子 还要跟其他 在密闭空间里吃豆子的人 睡在一起
