
kennedy怎么读: 音标['kenidi]
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◎ kennedy是什么意思

n. 肯尼迪(姓氏, 美国第35任总统)

n. 35th President of the United States; established the Peace Corps; assassinated in Dallas (1917-1963)
n. a large airport on Long Island to the east of New York City


1. Kennedy wasn't under as much pressure as I am.


2. Kennedy, you're out of time. I need an answer.

肯尼迪 你没时间了 我需要个答案

3. Kennedy probably used it for similar reasons.


4. Kennedy threw her book at her clas*ate's head.


5. Kennedy shoulda bombed 'em when he had the chance.


6. I'll go down in history with lincoln and kennedy, but you'll go down with john wilkes booth and lee harvey oswald.

我会跟着林肯和肯尼迪的名字名垂青史 而你就会跟约翰维克斯·布斯和 李·哈维·奥斯瓦德之流并论

7. Kennedy's dad looks like a paranoid gun nut who didn't want his spoiled baby bothered by the riffraff.

肯尼迪的父亲看起来很爱枪 不想让他被宠坏了的孩子被小混混骚扰
