
swiftness怎么读: 音标['swiftnis]
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◎ swiftness是什么意思

n. 迅速, 快

n a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens


1. No swift and painless death for her.


2. Swiftly, to his ship before it sails.


3. I did it swiftly so there would be no hard feelings.

我就是很果断 所以才没那么难过

4. And if the male's too rough, he's swiftly punished.

如果雄长鼻浣熊太粗暴 马上就会受到惩罚

5. And as you can see, progress has been swift.

你也看到了 我们的进展很快

6. Justice is not always as swift as we want it to be.


7. You have to act decisively and swiftly to stop all this.

你得果断 迅速地打住这种势头

8. Yes, but not swift enough to defeat you.

是的 但没有快得能打败你的马

9. and you will be begging for such a swift death.


10. The trial was swift, the guilt clear.

审判非常顺利 犯人罪行确凿
