
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ networking是什么意思

[计] 连网, 建网

v communicate with and within a group


1. Well, best do some networking at this networking event.

既然来了社交活动 就还是社交一下吧

2. Well, a networking event so, uh, I should go network.

今天是社交聚会 我该去交际了

3. So in a way, I've created sort of a genetic network a genetic social network, really.

所以在某种程度上 我创建了基因网络 一个基因社交网络

4. If it can think, and it can connect itself to a network, well, theoretically, it could command over anything else that's hooked onto the same network.

如果它能够思考 能够联网 那么理论上 它就能控制 依附于同一网络的所有信息

5. They got grants for the national network, threw a bunch of cash at the local level, and left the regional networks in the middle hanging.

他们拿国家网络的补助 丢一堆钱给地方 让区域网络高不成低不就

6. You are out of your network contract.


7. And the network wouldn't let me out to do it.


8. I did a little networking while I was in there.


9. We are so ready to be on your network.


10. It's about the network and the people in it.

而是重建组织 联系人员
