
disoriented怎么读: 音标[dis'ɔ:rientid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ disoriented是什么意思

a. 无判断力的;分不清方向或目标的

v cause to be lost or disoriented
s having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity
s socially disoriented


1. She could be disoriented from the crash.


2. I appreciate that all of this is a little disorienting.


3. The malrotation was more disorienting than I expected.


4. A whiteout will disorient you in seconds.

环境恶劣瞬间失明 会让你迷失方向

5. I was so disoriented that I believed them when they told me I lived here.

我十分困惑 所以我相信了他们说的 说我一直住在这里

6. I was confused and disoriented, but you were always kind to me.

我很迷茫 很无助 但你一直都待我很好

7. It could just be a flashbang to disorient the enemy.

可能是我们放的闪光弹 用来干扰敌方

8. That's why I crashed your crib all disoriented, and that's why I snapped.

所以我才会晕头转向跑去你家 然后揍你

9. Disoriented, of course. It's quite a journey.

困惑 当然了 长途跋涉嘛

10. To her defense, she was disoriented by the drug overdose.

她当时被下了药 脑子糊涂了 情有可原
