
passing怎么读: 音标['pæsiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ passing是什么意思

n. 通过, 逝去, 死, 流逝
a. 经过的, 流逝的, 目前的, 短暂的, 及格的, 仓促的

n. euphemistic expressions for death
n. the motion of one object relative to another
n. the end of something
n. going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it


1. We pass you to him, we pass him to you.

将你传入他体内 将他传入你体内

2. She passed customs, then she passed this.

她成功出了海关 戒指也成功出了她*

3. Okay, I passed it once, I'll pass it again.

我过了一次 第二次也会过的

4. He passed it on to my father, who passed it on to me.

传给了我爸爸 又传给了我

5. When you pass out, and you will pass out, you won't wake up.

你昏过去时 你就是会昏过去 醒不来的

6. But this doesn't pass into history, it passes into poetry.

但此情此景并未成为历史 它被写进诗篇

7. Just passing on knowledge that was passed on to me.


8. It was a real squeaker, but, you know, passing is passing.

勉强过关 但及格还是及格啊

9. It cannot pass through ceramic, but it can pass through walls.

它不能穿过瓷制品 但却可以穿墙

10. Don't pass too fast, don't pass in your own area code.

不要散货太快 不要在你自己的区散货
