
connotative怎么读: 音标['kɔnәuteitiv, kә'nәutәtiv]
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◎ connotative是什么意思

a. 含蓄的, 内涵的

a. having the power of implying or suggesting something in addition to what is explicit


1. Her brand connotes more than good taste, it connotes class.

她的品牌不仅意味着高品位 也意味着高档次

2. That was a name that connotated your father's love for you.


3. Which connotes connectedness and being spiritually awake.


4. Not necessarily connoting that they were mentally ill.


5. It's a *all thing, but it connotes respect.

这是件小事 但这关乎尊重

6. Went with a cool gray, which connotes dryness.

用了酷雅灰 暗含干燥之感

7. Remarks and shit, like, connotations or whatever.

说三道四 玩文字游戏之类的

8. But here, their white forms are tainted with much darker connotations.

然而 在它们的白色外表 却被丑恶的寓意所玷污

9. I'd like to say that you're all my family, but that word has such ugly connotations.

我想说你们都是我的家人 但那个词有不好的含义

10. Its origins and connotations have been inextricably linked to religion and mythology.

