
equestrianism怎么读: 音标[i'kwestriәnizәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ equestrianism是什么意思

n. (骑)马术

n. The art of riding on horseback; performance on
horseback; horsemanship; as, feats equestrianism.


1. You got more equestrians. It balances out.

你分到了更多的特权市民 这公平了

2. It's an equestrian event, which is the elegant art of horse dancing.

这是骑术 马跳舞的优雅艺术

3. But she was also renown for her remarkable equestrian abilities and her tireless charitable works.

更以其出色的马术 和不懈的慈善事业 而闻名

4. Tryouts for the dressage tournament will be starting in the equestrian center in ten minutes.

花式骑术锦标赛选拔赛 将于十分钟后在马术中心 盛大开幕

5. I thought the pale horse might be something biblical or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations.

我觉得白马可能是引自圣经的概念 或者甚至与某个和马相关的星座有关
