
sloppily怎么读: 音标['slɒpɪlɪ]
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◎ sloppily是什么意思

adv. 马虎地, 草率地

r. in a sloppy manner


1. At least tell us you that you got drunk and sloppily made out.

至少告诉我们你们有喝醉 草率地亲热

2. Yes, it's really annoying to see people doing things sloppily, not putting in the time that it takes to make something special or fun.

看着这么多人 进行拙劣的模仿真的不爽 不愿意花时间 去体会到一件事的乐趣和意义

3. And now, like every great king to come before us, we shall choose a champion to fight in our stead while we watch from a safe distance while sloppily eating oversized turkey legs.

现在 就像历代伟大先王一样 我们要选择一位勇士代我们决斗 好让我们坐得远远地观看 吃特大号火鸡腿 掉一地渣
