
ritualization怎么读: 音标[,ritjjәlai'zeiʃәn,-tʃj-;-li'z-]
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◎ ritualization是什么意思

n. 仪式化


1. It's not about me. It's about the ritual.

这不是为了我 这是为了仪式

2. If this is because of the ritual, I did it too.

如果是因为那个仪式 那我也做了

3. What are you doing? It's a binding ritual.

你做什么 是个缔结仪式

4. But we all need a ritual, and this was hers.

但我们都需要一种形式 而这是她的

5. Yes, but the ritual itself is dangerous.

对 但是这个仪式很危险

6. Tell me about these rituals that you perform.


7. That's a mating ritual in some cultures.

在某些文化中 那是求偶方式

8. Knowing you, it's some sort of ritual.

以我对你的了解 这就像是某种仪式

9. You assisted in the ritual and I am very thankful.

你在仪式中帮了忙 这我很感激

10. No, no, no, I'm serious. It's my pregame ritual.

不 我是认真的 这是我的赛前仪式
