
voraciously怎么读: 音标[və'reɪʃəslɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ voraciously是什么意思

adv. 贪婪地

r. in an eagerly voracious manner


1. She has an alert and voracious mind.


2. Not only that, she's a deadly predator with a voracious appetite.

不仅如此 雌蛛是胃口巨大的 致命捕食者

3. He has this pack of absolutely voracious wolf hounds.


4. It ignites a flame so voracious it can never be extinguished.

一旦点燃就会凶猛燃烧 永不熄灭

5. They feed so voraciously that in just six weeks they increase their size 40 times.

它们狼吞虎咽 仅六周时间 它们的身体就长大了四十倍

6. Countless sharks spinners and black tips, some of the most voracious predators in the sea are beginning their journey north to their birthing grounds.

数不清的鲨鱼 纺锤形黑尖鳍的真鲨 海洋中最贪婪的捕食者 正要开始他们向北回到出生地的旅程

7. Hide your wallet, update your spam filter, and unplug your phone, for that stampede you hear thundering over the hill is the voracious and unyielding herd of candidates and their fundraisers, all just looking to pick your pockets clean of every hardearned dollar you got.

藏好你们的钱包 升级垃圾邮件过滤器 拔掉电话插头 因为年度盛会正疯狂而至 贪婪而执着的候选人 和他们的资金募集人 全都指望着掏空你们的口袋 榨*们的血汗钱
