
disassemble怎么读: 音标[.disә'sembl]
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◎ disassemble是什么意思

vt. 解开, 拆开

v. take apart into its constituent pieces


1. When we returned him, he was disassembled.

我们交还他的时候 他被拆除了

2. We need to disassemble the contaminated thrusters.


3. They disassembled the rifle that we found in the backpack.


4. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him.

就算被拆解了 我仍然想讨好他

5. I found a disassembled quadrocycle in the garage.


6. When it comes out, they disassemble the sections to extract the casting.

待出来后 工人拆解模子取出铸件

7. Everything that comes in the bubble has to be disassembled to be sterilized.


8. The trees get disassembled and thrown in a closet.

圣诞树被拆下来 塞进柜子里

9. Once he's contained, then we can attempt to disassemble and disarm the device.

等信号屏蔽了 我们就可以尝试 拆卸解除爆炸装置了

10. I've prioritized the components in terms of value and ease of disassembly.

我已经按价值和 组装的难易程度给零件排了序
