
stucco怎么读: 音标['stʌkәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ stucco是什么意思

n. 粉饰灰泥
vt. 涂以灰泥, 粉刷

n. a plaster now made mostly from Portland cement and sand and lime; applied while soft to cover exterior walls or surfaces
v. decorate with stucco work
v. coat with stucco


1. It is shock and awe in marble and stucco.


2. And 633 in this tan stucco is where he landed.


3. You can't call a structure covered in sprayon stucco "golden" anything.

一栋刷灰泥的建筑 竟然也敢自诩"黄金养老院"

4. They included gilded stucco, gold on some figures, and elaborate carved ceiling panels and doors.

包括镀金的灰墁 某些塑像上的黄金 以及雕刻精美的天花板和门

5. But of course it's stucco which can cover a multitude of sins, and once I get inside I realise it's 17th century and seemingly never been touched.

但是当然了 灰泥可以掩盖很多罪恶 我进去后才发现这是17世纪的 看起来完好无损
