
yelping怎么读: 音标[jelpɪŋ]
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◎ yelping是什么意思

v. 发出短而尖的叫声( yelp的现在分词 )

n a sharp high-pitched cry (especially by a dog)
v bark in a high-pitched tone


1. I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you with all the yelping.

抱歉 你叫这么大声我听不清

2. I know it. It's like yelp for therapists.

我知道 就像心理医生的大众点评

3. It's point and squirt and bark and yelp.

这条赛道很尖锐 很锋利 很痛苦

4. I'm giving this place a scathing review on yelp.


5. These dogs will be yelping louder soon.


6. She yelps and scratches, she's got issues with human contact.

她会尖叫也会挠人 她不习惯身体接触

7. So, anyway, while she was waiting, she was over by your card rack, and all of a sudden I heard a yelp.

她等着取药的时候 站在你弄的卡片架子旁边 突然我听见她叫了一声

8. Yelp said somebody got staph infection in this place.


9. I had felt like a fox, hunted, my earths dug up and yelping hounds following me everywhere.

我就像一只被猎人盯上的狐狸 我的世界被搅得天翻地覆 乱吠的猎狗如蛆附骨
