
counselor怎么读: 音标['kaunsәlә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ counselor是什么意思

n. 顾问, 参事, 法律顾问

n. someone who gives advice about problems
n. someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp


1. Counselor? I don't need to see a counselor.

咨询师 我不需要看咨询师啊

2. And I'm not a teacher. I'm a counselor.

我不是老师 我是个辅导员

3. But I've been to counselors before, and it didn't work.

但我以前找过咨询师 并没有作用

4. We're all counselors there for the summer.


5. I'm gonna have to talk to a counselor about this.


6. I'm a busines*an, not a grief counselor.

我是商人 不是悲痛顾问

7. And I can't wait to hear more, counselor.

我等不及要听你们说了 律师

8. Christine was my counselor while I was in prison.


9. You could, counselor, but we're not going to give it.

可以 律師 但我們不同意

10. Forget it, counselor, I am not settling.

别想了 律师 我不会和解的
