
papaya怎么读: 音标[pә'paiә]
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◎ papaya是什么意思

n. 番木瓜树
[化] 番瓜; 番木瓜

n. tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit
n. large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh


1. And from the darkness, a giant papaya.

黑暗中 出现了一个巨大的木瓜

2. Dancers emerge from the papaya, and the dancers are all me.

舞者从木瓜中爬出 这些舞者都是我

3. Except for my prostate. It's shaped like a papaya.

除了我的前列腺 样子像个木瓜

4. My darling wife is gorging on papaya right now.


5. It's mint papaya with just the teeniest amount of opium.


6. Chuck's first pit stop is to harvest papaya.


7. Bird's nest soup, people like to serve that with papaya.

或水果 比如燕窝木瓜羹

8. I'm gonna pair exotic papaya with a very familiar fruit, kiwis.

我要用来搭配异域木瓜的 是一种常见的水果 猕猴桃

9. I mean, even her fruit bowl's so tragically safe no mangoes, no papayas.

就连她的水果盘都那么安全平庸 没有芒果 没有番木瓜

10. Stir the vegetable gelatin into the papaya, and heat gently in a bowl over boiling water.

将植物明胶拌入木瓜中 在碗中隔水慢慢加热
