
northwards怎么读: 音标['nɔ:θwәdz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ northwards是什么意思

adv. 向北方

n the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees
r in a northern direction


1. When it's up and northward it's going to be a big storm.


2. Take the northward path through them and wait for me there.

沿着朝北的那条路穿过森林 然后在尽头等我

3. The strongest point on the compass still pulls me northwards.


4. India is still moving northwards and these mountains are still rising.

印度洋板块仍在继续北移 喜马拉雅山脉仍在升高

5. Britain drifted a long way northwards, and the shallow sea disappeared.

不列颠岛向北漂移了很远 浅海也消失了

6. Australia drifted northwards towards the equator and became hotter and drier.

澳大利亚向北边的赤道漂移 变得愈加炎热和干燥
