
perishable怎么读: 音标['periʃәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ perishable是什么意思

a. 易腐坏的, 会枯萎的, 易毁灭的, 不经久的
n. 易腐坏的东西

n. food that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated
a. liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay


1. Were if not for each other, we would have perished.

如果不是为了对方 我们都会消逝

2. On our own, in isolation, we perish.


3. But if she doesn't make the trade, they'll perish.

但如果她没有完成交易 他们会死

4. We thought he perished in that storm.


5. We're trying to save our perishables here.


6. She's cared for me. I'd have perished without her.

她关心我 如果没有她我已经死了

7. And when I do, I hope you all perish violently.

狼吞虎咽之时 你们将莫名暴毙

8. Reassurance that we would not perish by the heat of our own sun.

我们不会因为恒星的热量 而灰飞烟灭 终于安下心来

9. And I swore that you would see your city perish.

所以我发誓 你会亲眼看到你的城市灭亡

10. The young perish and the old linger.

