
presidency怎么读: 音标['prezidәnsi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ presidency是什么意思

n. 总统职权, 总裁职位

n. the tenure of a president
n. the office and function of president


1. And then president of distribution, president of marketing and president of production.

接下来是发行总监 市场总监和制作总监

2. Oliver's not the president, you are the real president.

奥利弗不是总统 你才是真正的总统

3. I mean, I run for president, you run for president.

我竞选主席 你也跟着竞选

4. Whatever's asked of the president, the president will do.

不管总统接到什么要求 他都会去做的

5. It's easy to assassinate the president when he isn't president yet.

刺杀还不是总统的总统 就很简单了
