
also怎么读: 音标['ɒ:lsәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ also是什么意思

adv. 也, 并且, 同样地

r in addition


1. But it also means they knew what we were up against, because they were up against it too, and they also failed.

但也说明他们知道我们要面对的是什么 因为他们也面对过 也失败了

2. He was also a limo driver, and he also cheated on her.

他也是个豪车司机 也背着她在外出轨了

3. He also complimented these moccasins, which are also controversial around here.

他还赞美了我的莫卡辛[鹿皮鞋]呢 而在这里只会被你们耻笑

4. Which was also a breakthrough and also thought to be as inconceivable as claytronics.

那也是突破 跟电子黏土一样不可思议

5. We also had you do the same for yourself.


6. I'm here for you and also there for him.

我都会支持你 同时支持他

7. But I also tell him that I also need words of affection.


8. He's also an idiot, not that I blame him because the people that hired him are also idiots.

他还是个* 但我倒不怨他 因为雇用他的人也是一群*

9. And I also... I also know that she wouldn't tell you who it was no matter how bad you beat her.

我还知道 不管你打她打得多重 她都不肯告诉你是谁

10. I also got sober, and I also would like to make an amends.

我也戒瘾了 我也想弥补关系
