
admittance怎么读: 音标[әd'mitәns]
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◎ admittance是什么意思

n. 进入, 进入权, 准许进入
[化] 导纳

n the right to enter
n the act of admitting someone to enter


1. We are not welcome, we have no admittance.

他们不欢迎我们 不让我们进去

2. I haven't gained admittance to his room since the murder.

自从凶案发生 我就一直没能见着他

3. Into one house in the neighbourhood they shall never have admittance.

就算他们搬到这儿来住 也不准跟他们来往

4. I've hired these young ladies here to block your admittance to my establishment until you learn to play by the rules.

我雇这些女士们 就是为了防止你进我的店 直到你学会遵守规则

5. No, but we ran a tox screen and blood alcohol level as part of your workup on admittance.

不会 但我们进行了毒理检测和酒精检测 作为收治入院的全面检测过程
