
boatyard怎么读: 音标['bәut.jɑ:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ boatyard是什么意思

n. 船坞;造船厂

n. a place where boats are built or maintained or stored


1. But I I'm not selling my boatyard. It's not for sale.

但我不卖我的船坞 我不卖

2. These guys have been in my boatyard, man.

这些家伙都在我的船坞 伙计

3. The boatyard did well. I checked those.

船塢干得漂亮 那些我查過了

4. Sorry to hear what happened to you at the boatyard.


5. You tell us what you saw at the boatyard this is all yours.

你告诉我们你在船坞看到了什么 这些就都是你的

6. Go to the boatyard, and if he's not there, go to his house, and bring him here.

去船坞 如果他不在 去他家 把他带过来

7. I heard you had that idea one time for the boatyard.


8. John, I'm sitting here with a *load of illegal shit in my boatyard.

约翰 我正和一大堆 违法的鬼玩意一起在我的船坞里

9. I mean, it's a nice boat, but it's not worth killing the four of us and blowing up a boatyard.

这艘船确实不错 但还不至于 把我们四个都杀了然后炸掉一个船坞

10. Surveillance from the boatyard shows him arriving five days ago, and he never left.

甲板上的监控显示他五天前到的那里 而且一直没离开过
