
scanning怎么读: 音标['skæniŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ scanning是什么意思

[计] 扫描
[医] 断续言语, 扫描

n. the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer
n. the act of systematically moving a finely focused beam of light or electrons over a surface in order to produce an image of it for analysis or transmission


1. Scan? I don't want to get scanned by a robot.

扫描 我才不要被一个机器人扫描

2. So now we're wasting valuable time ordering scan after scan when we should be treating him.

现在我们浪费着宝贵的时间一遍遍给他做扫描 可明明该做的是治疗

3. The machine scans the molecule, like a fax machine scans paper.

机器扫描分子 就像传真机扫描纸张一样

4. Like, I retasked six military satellites to scan all airspace around the meteorite, and then I've just been obsessively checking that scan for, like, the faintest blip.

我调用了六颗军用卫星 扫描流星周围的所有空域 然后我刚才一直在目不转睛地查看扫描图 连一个小光点都没落掉

5. With all that scanning equipment and all that.


6. I have been scanning for your voice pattern.


7. Or not. It's requesting a retinal scan.

未必 它要求视网膜扫描

8. I've got the results of your scans here.


9. No further sightings on our longrange scans.


10. Here's a scan of my brain from 2012.

