
flesh怎么读: 音标['fleʃ]
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◎ flesh是什么意思

n. 肉, 肉体, 肉欲, 人性, 亲属, 人类, 众生, 人体
vt. 以肉喂, 激起...的杀戳情绪, 使肥, 赋以血肉
vi. 长胖

n. the soft tissue of the body of a vertebrate: mainly muscle tissue and fat
v. remove adhering flesh from (hides) when preparing leather manufacture


1. The soul to feel the flesh, and the flesh to feel the chain.

灵魂触到血肉 血肉触到镣铐

2. For he that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption.

播种肉体之人 收获的将是*

3. And I join my heart to your heart, my soul to your soul, and my flesh to your flesh.

你我心意相通 灵魂相连 身体融合

4. I join my heart to your heart, and my soul to your soul, and my flesh to your flesh.

你我心意相通 灵魂相连 身体融合

5. Because your flesh is mortal, and in the end, all mortal flesh must burn.

因为你是肉体凡胎 到最后 肉体凡胎都会深陷火海

6. Your flesh is mortal, and in the end, all mortal flesh must die.

你的肉体是会死亡的 最终 一切的肉体都终将消亡

7. The spirit is willing, but the flesh, mm, the flesh will *ing drop you in it.

精神是好的 但你的肉体... 肉体会把你拖入深渊中

8. than when you have someone here in the flesh.


9. Once I was flesh and blood as you are.

我也曾和你一样 是有血有肉的人

10. I thought that was you. ‐ In the flesh.

我就觉得是你 就是本人
