
hiss怎么读: 音标[his]
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◎ hiss是什么意思

n. 嘘声, 嘶嘶声
vi. 发出嘘声, 发嘶嘶声
vt. 发嘶嘶声表示

n. a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval)
v. make a sharp hissing sound, as if to show disapproval
v. move with a whooshing sound
v. express or utter with a hiss


1. Here you are, hissing at me in a hallway.

看啊 你這不在走廊上沖我吼嗎

2. And hisses that he's going to kill them.


3. And then I was in this room, and there was this hissing noise.

然后我来到了一个房间 我听到嘶嘶的噪音

4. And they'd slither, hiss, and climb all around me.

它们蜿蜒滑行 嘶嘶作响 爬到我全身上下

5. Before the scorpion crawled and the adder hissed.

在蝎子爬行 蝰蛇吐信之前

6. Well, not so much a buzzing, more of a hiss.

好吧 也不是嗡嗡声 更像是嘶嘶声

7. He always hear the hissing, gas released.


8. You will never have to worry about my adenoidal hiss again.


9. Dogs bark at me and cats tend to hiss at me.

狗會對我吠 貓會對我嘶叫

10. One of the victims said she heard a hissing sound before she passed out.

一位受害者说在晕倒前 她听到嘶嘶的声音
