
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ snobbishness是什么意思

n. 势利

n the trait of condescending to those of lower social status


1. And they're silly, too, and snobbish at times.

他们有时也会犯傻 势利

2. Mary, now's not the time to be snobbish.

玛丽 你这时候就别势利了

3. I don't mean to sound snobbish, but I won't marry down.

我不想说得那么势利 但是我不会委身下嫁

4. We insist on being snobbish about what people hang in their living rooms.

若还是看不起别人家 客厅里挂着的东西

5. But I equally loathe her selfserving politics and her snobbishness, and her arrogance.

但我同样讨厌 她以自我为中心的信条 以及她的势力和自负

6. He really does want to help in his own snobbish, thoughtless way.

他确实想帮忙 只是方式毒舌又不体贴
