
impromptu怎么读: 音标[im'prɒmptju:]
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◎ impromptu是什么意思

n. 即席演出, 即兴曲
a. 即席的
adv. 即席

n. an extemporaneous speech or remark
n. a short musical passage that seems to have been made spontaneously without advance preparation


1. Impromptu weddings call for impromptu bachelor parties.

紧急婚礼 就要紧急开单身派对

2. So you went on an impromptu camping trip.


3. I hope you don't mind the impromptu visit.


4. He didn't say. ‭It was an impromptu trip.

他没说 是趟心血来潮的旅行

5. You know, it turns out I am amazing at impromptu wedding planning.

看来我十分擅长 策划即兴婚礼

6. Well, an impromptu wedding would be a wonderful surprise for everyone.

一场即兴的婚礼 会让所有人都大吃一惊的

7. I see you've dropped by for a little impromptu dinner with the kinfolk.

我看到你 带着亲戚来吃点东西啊

8. And see if I could get some more impromptu face time with her before the party.

再看看我有没有机会在聚会开始前 临时见她一面

9. He was very good at impromptu decisions in his head that just worked.

哪个曲调更适合他脑中能立即做决定 他很擅长这点

10. I thought we could knock their socks off with an impromptu choir performance.

我想着我们可以来一场即兴合唱表演 彻底征服她们
