
schlock怎么读: 音标[ʃlɔk]
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◎ schlock是什么意思

a. 蹩脚的, 廉价的
n. 蹩脚的东西, 廉价的东西

n. merchandise that is shoddy or inferior


1. Everything surrounding death is full of either fear or schlock.

死亡相关事物不是令人恐惧 就是充满廉价气息

2. Finally, after 13 meandering episodes of character driven schlock, we can finally get to the show that everyone wanted to see in the first place.

终于 在13集模仿性格驱动型叙事的 弯弯绕绕的辣鸡剧情后 我们终于 能够向各位展现大家一开始就想看到的东西
