
sullied怎么读: 音标[ˈsʌli:d]
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◎ sullied是什么意思

v. 玷污, 破坏名声( sully的过去式和过去分词 )

v place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
v make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically
v charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone


1. You are sullying my soul with your perversion.


2. You give me sully, I give you your brother.

把萨利交给我 我就把哥哥还你

3. They've spread rumours and they've sullied my name.

他们散播谣言 败坏我的名声

4. Sully, take everyone down to the dock.

萨莉 带大家去码头吧

5. Sully, hey, come on,man, don't do this.

萨莉 等等 拜托别这么做

6. Sully didn't think you'd bring the cooler.


7. who will sully yours and drag your reputation into the gutter.

他会玷污你的芳名 让你臭名远播

8. My sister will punish her for sullying our property.


9. I want justice for elliot james sully.


10. I suspect he seeks to save himself by sullying my name.

我猜他是想通过诋毁我的名声 保全自己
