
scattering怎么读: 音标['skætәriŋ]
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◎ scattering是什么意思

n. 分散, 散射, 稀疏的少量
a. 四散开的, 分散的
[计] 散射, 扩散, 杂散

n. a small number (of something) dispersed haphazardly
n. the physical process in which particles are deflected haphazardly as a result of collisions
n. a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby


1. The bear, the sheep scattering, you scattering.

熊來了 羊羣四散而逃 你也逃了

2. As he scattered breadcrumbs here throughout his life, so we scatter his life here.

鉴于他生前喜欢在这里撒面包屑 我们把他的骨灰也扬在这

3. It could be scattered all over this area.


4. The confetti. It was scattered on the rug.

五彩纸屑 地毯上到处都是

5. I mean, scattered all over the place.

我是說 家庭收入參差不齊

6. Any wolf that wasn't taken out scattered.

若有狼人僥幸逃走 也走散了

7. Let's, uh, scatter them with the others.


8. The signal's scattered but it's a start.

信号很微弱 但是个开始

9. You scattered until there was nothing there anymore.

你们分散开 直到什么都没有了

10. Scatter! ...with what appears to be a trainee.

散开 好像还带了一名实习生
