
topology怎么读: 音标[tәu'pɒlәdʒi]
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◎ topology是什么意思

n. 地志学, 拓扑学, 局部解剖学
[计] 拓扑结构, 网络的布局

n. topographic study of a given place (especially the history of the place as indicated by its topography)
n. the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions
n. the configuration of a communication network


1. You know, topologically speaking, that has a lot of interesting possibilities.

拓扑地来说 那就有很多有趣的可能性了

2. Brian has a very dampened kind of response, less reactivity in those circuits, so he was basically an exact prototype that fit the topology of how we understand the psychopathic brain.

布莱恩会表现出抑制性反应 那些回路里产生的反应更少 所以他基本上完全符合 我们所了解的 心理*者大脑过程的拓扑结构
