
dinner怎么读: 音标['dinә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dinner是什么意思

n. 晚餐, 正餐, 宴会

n. the main meal of the day served in the evening or at midday
n. a party of people assembled to have dinner together


1. Having dinner is dating, and we are not having dinner.

一起吃晚餐就是约会了 所以我们不能一起吃晚饭

2. Dinner dinner is a date, then *ing.

正式晚饭就是约会 然后再*

3. You say you'll be home for dinner, be home for dinner.

你说会回家吃晚饭的 回家吃晚饭

4. I doubt dinner is ever just dinner with you.

跟你一起 可就不止是吃晚餐了吧

5. And if I win, I cook the dinner, and any other dinner I want to from now on.

如果我赢 晚餐我来 还有从今以后任何我想做的晚餐

6. What started out as dinner and a movie ended as dinner and a murder.

一开始是晚餐和电影 最后变成了晚餐和谋杀

7. The one thing I wanted was for us all to sit down together and have dinner, and you can't do that without dinner.

我想要的就是 大家一起坐下来吃顿晚饭 没有东西吃怎么行

8. Welcome, everyone, to big dinner, where the news is big, and the dinner is regular size.

欢迎各位出席大聚餐 这里的八卦很大 但菜肴分量很正常

9. So, I know you're free for dinner, good news, but you have no interest in dinner, bad news.

我知道你有空吃晚餐 这是好消息 但你对晚餐没兴趣 坏消息

10. You know, sometimes it was the difference between me eating dinner or not, but II never cared about dinner.

有时候虽然 没有吃过猪肉 但我也不在乎猪跑
