
tutelage怎么读: 音标['tju:tilidʒ]
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◎ tutelage是什么意思

n. 守护, 监护, 指导
[法] 监护, 保护, 指导

n. teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately)


1. No, it's a weirdo looking for tutelage.

不 现在是个怪胎来让我指导她

2. Especially with regards to how to get the most from my tutelage.

尤其是在如何充分利用我的教导 这方面

3. She will always be here, under my watchful eye, under my tutelage.

她会一直待在这里 我会严加看管照顾她

4. My tutelage shall soon cleanse you of that quickly.


5. And under my tutelage, my mentorship, well, you could rise to heights that you dare not even imagine.

在我的指导和点拨下 你可以达到你从前都不敢想象的高度

6. She'll be able to sit the whole time, and it will be under the tutelage of one of the most dynamic members of our team.

她能一直坐着 还是在我们团队里 最有活力的成员的监护下
