
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ reestablishment是什么意思

[法] 使复位, 使复职, 恢复

n. The act reestablishing; the state of being


1. He is trying to reestablish law and order.


2. The immediate reestablishment of law and order.

马上重建秩序 维系法律尊严

3. And so, order and balance were reestablished in the world.

就这样 世间的一切 便又重新恢复了秩序

4. To be honest, we had just begun to reestablish a relationship.

说实话 我们才开始 重建我们的感情

5. Get back up to the roof, reestablish a perimeter.

回到房顶 重新部署防线

6. Maybe I can call him, reestablish some trust.

或许我能打给他 重新取得他的信任

7. And as the forest reestablished itself, animals began to appear.

随着森林的自我重建 动物开始出现

8. It's the fastest way to reestablish communication with our expedition.

这是与我们探险队重建联系的 最快方法

9. We need the primary motivators reestablished now.


10. Now, these weapons will help me reestablish supremacy.

这些武器 能帮我恢复往日的地位
