
chummy怎么读: 音标['tʃʌmi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ chummy是什么意思

a. 亲密的, 很友好的

s. (used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals
s. (used informally) associated on close terms


1. I didn't realize you two were so chummy.


2. All very chummy they were, until about a year ago.

之前他们关系很融洽 直到大约一年前

3. I don't like the way she's so chummy with your hu*and.


4. We've become way too chummy with these gmen.


5. That explains why they were so chummy when they came down the stairs.

这就足以解释 为何他们从楼上下来时 变得默契十足

6. I was imagining it, you know, a little less hostile, more chummy.

我想象的是 少一点敌意 多一点友好

7. I figured out what's going on, why the princes have gotten so chummy with the elf.

我知道是怎么回事了 为什么王子这么对那个精灵着迷

8. We got a little too chummy with the informants and lazy with the paperwork.

然后我們和線人走得有點太近 文案工作也懶得做了

9. Here, chummy, I hold my hand up, yah, I make mistakes but I've changed.

嘿 亲爱的 我对天发誓 我犯过错 但我已经变了
