
geniality怎么读: 音标[.dʒi:ni'æliti]
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◎ geniality是什么意思

n. 温和, 舒适, 亲切

n a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)


1. Oh, don't tell me you married that genial oaf.


2. Landed the world's most genial patient for his first case.


3. He had been not only one of the most brilliant poets of his day, but one of the most genial men and one of the handsomest.

他不仅是他的时代里最有才华的诗人之一 更是最亲切的人之一 也是最英俊的人之一

4. You know this'll flame out when you eventually snap like a rubber band; being genial isn't your nature.

你知道等你 最终像橡皮筋一样崩坏 这事就会告吹 你就是没有和蔼的天性
