
decimated怎么读: 音标[ˈdesəˌmeɪtid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ decimated是什么意思

v. 杀死或毁灭(某物)的大部( decimate的过去式和过去分词 ); 相当程度地减少或降低

v kill one in every ten, as of mutineers in Roman armies
v kill in large numbers


1. We will decimate you, as you have decimated us.

我们会*你们 正如你们曾*我们

2. So what you have to show is that in any list of decimal numbers, there's a decimal number that's not on that list.

我们用下面一组0到1之间的小数来 推导一下这个命题的证明 命题: 小数集无法完全可列

3. It means there can be no matching of all the decimal numbers by the counting numbers and that tells us that the infinity of the decimal numbers is larger than the infinity of the counting numbers.

这意味着自然数集合无法 匹配于小数集合 那就是说 无穷小数集合 比无穷自然数集合要大

4. Your militia has been decimated by the plague.

你的民兵团 早被瘟疫毁了

5. Who I'll decimate on cross. I got this.

我会把她钉死在十字架上 包在我身上

6. maybe I'll change my mind about decimating yours.

我会不会改变想法 不再跟你对着干了

7. Crops from both countries will be decimated.


8. There's nothing sweet about a people who were decimated.


9. Decimate armies with only his words for weapons.


10. It's decimating all inhabited worlds in it's path.

