
order怎么读: 音标['ɒ:dә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ order是什么意思

n. 次序, 规则, 命令
vi. 命令, 定货
vt. 整理, 命令, 定购
n. 顺序, 阶数
[计] 顺序, 阶数

n. (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
n. a degree in a continuum of size or quantity
n. established customary state (especially of society)
n. a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities


1. If those are the orders, those are the orders.

如果这就是命令 那么我服从

2. But, you know, orders are orders, so I didn't.

但是 命令就是命令 所以我没说

3. Some of those words in all of that order, or all of those words in some of that order, or none of those words, but let's keep some kind of order here.

可能是这个顺序 但名字里有这其中这几个字 也可能字全对 顺序出了点差错 也可能字全不对 我们还是保持清醒吧

4. For as long as you sail with him, his orders are my orders.

只要你们跟他一起出海 那他的命令就是我的命令

5. you were following orders. I gave the order.

你是听命行事 是我下的命令

6. I'm following orders, and my orders are to bring him out.

我在服从命令 我得到的命令就是带他出去

7. We followed orders no matter the orders.

我们服从命令 不管命令是什么

8. It's about the order of things, the order you learn.

这是事物该遵循的顺序 你学习的顺序

9. Because, in order to move in the world, in order to control it, in order to also recognise the movements of another, you need to have some sort of model of your own body.

为了能移动自己 能控制自己的身体 为了能识别别人的行动 你得有对自己的身体的基本意识

10. I know what to order, and sometimes I write my own orders.

我知道要订什么书 有时候我自己下订单
