
infection怎么读: 音标[in'fekʃәn]
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◎ infection是什么意思

n. 传染, 影响, 传染病
[医] 传染, 感染

n. the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
n. (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound
n. (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease
n. an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted


1. Once you're infected, then your blood is infected.

你感染以后 血液也会感染

2. You infect the host computer, you infect them all.

只要感染主服务器 其他的也会被感染

3. He wanted to infect the cows so that their milk would infect anyone who drank it.

他想感染牛群 然后任何喝了牛奶的人都會被感染

4. Now, whoever infected the computer also infected your daughter.

黑进那台电脑的人 让病毒感染了你的女儿

5. A cut on his neck has become infected, and I'm afraid the infection's spread to the blood.

他脖子上的伤口感染了 恐怕病毒进入了他的血液

6. And the people who weren't infected became so terrified of those who were, they started shooting the infected on sight.

而那些没感染的人 变得很害怕那些感染了的人 他们开始见到感染者就杀

7. Or the polys are due to a secondary infection on top of the viral infection and irrelevant.

多形核白细胞也有可能是病毒感染后 继发感染导致的 并不重要

8. Laurel was infected by bacterial spores, but according to her blood, she was killed by a viral infection.

劳蕾尔是被细菌孢子感染的 可她的血液检测表明 她死于病毒感染

9. A broken rib that has become infected, with a most severe and terrifying infection that can only be treated by this remedy.

断掉的肋骨受到了感染 是世间最严重最可怕的感染 这是唯一能救他的药

10. You are in the hospital right now with a very bad infection, and we're concerned that other people might be getting this infection as well.

你受了很严重的感染 现在在医院 我们担心别人可能 也感染了
